Have you ever had

one of those moments where you’re no longer willing to ignore how you feel?


If you are anything like me,

then you probably ask yourself the same question.


I am originally from Romania, a blessed mom of two amazing children, a happy and loved wife.

But I have to be honest with you when I say that I wasn't always like this.

Before I started my entrepreneurial journey, I worked for many years in my parent’s travel and tourism agency, got a degree in Business Management, been a successful professional dancer and international dance instructor for 14 years, created my dance company and owned a traditional business model that has taken up so much of my energy and health compromising so many of my relationships. I used to work up to almost 16 hours/day and some days even more, obviously away from family and friends.


Change started to happen when I found myself feeling traumatized by my life, because I felt I was living someone else’s. At this stage of my life I went through a disastrous divorce, lost my business and had to take on life with more confidence and strength with my little baby girl. These experiences led me to find my spiritual side and my interest in personal growth and connect deeper with my soul.


I decided to embrace this trauma and became very ambitious to commit living my life under my own terms away from the expectations that the world has put on me.


This decision helped me to manifest my dreams & visions in my life!

I won't say that it was all roses, it was a lot of resistance and fear I had to transcend, focus, determination, faith and a lot of courage, but once I decided to move on and do something that will give me 100% satisfaction and happiness my life changed completely and only good things started to happen. But all these amazing things wouldn’t have happened if I’ve had not taken spectacularly good choices.


I always wanted to

travel the world and

spend more quality time with


…but even though this was fuel for my vessel, the core desired feeling was to have freedom being able to be of service and help raise the consciousness of the world I’m living in so I can be a living model for my kids of what it’s possible when you connect with your true essence, your divine spiritual light and be the energy you were born to share with the world.

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I was deeply called to reconnect with my soul and remember who I was born to become.


I found a way to shift my energy and focus on living a purpose driven life.

I fully allowed the space between where I was and where I wanted to be to inspire me and motivate me to make my dreams become reality and I started building a soul centered life and business and be the energy I wanted to attract in my life.

I knew that the only way to step into my teacher and visionary archetypes was through leading by example and started to embody my spiritual essence every step of the way through the journey of my human experience.


A lot of people have asked me why I'm doing this as I have a degree in Business Management, have been in many substantial leadership positions and could have had fantastic work opportunities. But the thing is……

…even though I loved my job titles, it has been the reason why I have totally lost the colors of life and slowly disconnected from all my inner powers, all my sensitivity and feminine energy. 

I used to not believe that my sensitivity was my superpower and I would do anything possible to block out the overwhelming emotions, energy and thoughts arising that were a mixture of my intuition, fear and energy I was emphatically healing in others. My disconnection from my own source of power within had me blocked in a cylce of self-sabotage, low self-worth, lack, illness and burnout. Then the moment I started tuning into my inner guidance, releasing the emotional and energetic blocks that were holding me back from my highest self was when my external reality changed and I felt clarity with my direction in life.

I started remembering who I was.


It would be my honor to help you find your way back to your soul if you also know deep inside that you were born for so much more than you can comprehend in this life, and you are ready to take that first step in discovering who you truly are.


This was the pivotal moment in my life where I decided to embrace that deep felling within that I was made for more and started to live my life in alignment with my soul’s purpose and since January 2017, I’ve taken action towards intentionally creating a life and business that I truly love.

All these life changing shifts happened thanks to finding some really great people who have contributed substantially to my growth. Investing in my personal development and hiring coaches and mentors to guide me through valuable breakthroughs was the best thing I could do to myself. Since that moment I have made some bold choices and my life has changed completely.

I can tell you that my spiritual awakening started a deep healing journey and I embraced higher dimensions of awareness and consciousness to be able to calibrate to the ongoing evolving cycles that are always guiding me to embody my mission as a Soul Alchemy Priestess in this lifetime.


Now, I want to teach ambitious sensitive women like you about the profound healing and transformation that my personal soul tool box can bring into your life. I am here to offer guidance and support that I know will bring a lot of exciting insights so that you can discover your soul’s purpose and move forward with confidence and clarity to create the life you were born to have and that is in alignment with your dreams and visions.

I am passionate to show you how you can align your life by accessing your soul connection.


Every journey begins with the first steps!


Dream Big, Sparkle More & Shine Bright !

The world needs your beautiful light!